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The Rising Army

Christianity, Life, War, Truth...

Joyful children

Greetings, Soldier!

Many of you have probably heard the popular phrase, ‘The joy of the Lord is my strength’, right? It’s even been made into a song, and the book of Psalms doesn’t fail to keep reminding us of that fact.

Nehemiah 8:10(TLV); So, he said to them, “Go! Eat choice food, drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who have nothing ready. For today is Kadosh to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of Adonai is your strength.”

Joy can be seen as our signature and our strength as Christians. Knowing this, we can safely say that without joy, we have no strength...

Joy is different from happiness. Happiness is temporary but joy is eternal. Happiness is conditional but joy is unconditional, it remains even when the going gets tough. Happiness is fueled by material things and circumstances but joy is fueled by the love of Christ. What are you wearing on your head? Because as children of the Most-High God, we should be wearing a crown of joy.

Philippians 4:1(TLV); Therefore, my brothers and sisters whom I love and long for, my joy and crown—stand firm in the Lord in this way, my loved ones.
1 Thessalonians 2:19(TLV); For who is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Yeshua at His coming? Is it not you? Isaiah 51:11(TLV); Now the ransomed of Adonai will return, and come to Zion with singing. Everlasting joy will be upon their heads. They will obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.

A mark is something that identifies and seals someone or something. It can be used to show ownership, and it’s usually something that lasts long, if not permanently. So, as children of God, we are known by our mark, or at least, should be.

Ever wondered what mark will be placed on the foreheads of God’s people? We’ve heard about the mark of the beast for the unbelievers (Revelation 13: 11-18), but how about the mark that is to be given to those that believe (Revelation 9: 4-5)?

Well, Isaiah 51:11 above, puts it plainly. We are marked by joy; the joy of the Lord. It is our seal.

Soldiers of the Lord, if we don’t have the joy of the Lord, we can’t stand firm when the tribulations and trying times come. We won’t be able to lift others up in hymns and psalms.

Romans 14:17(TLV); for the kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking, but righteousness and shalom and joy in the Ruach ha-Kodesh.
Phil 4:5(TLV); Let your gentleness be known to all people. The Lord is near.
Eph 5:19-20(TLV); speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks for everything to God the Father, in the name of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah.

We can see from the scripture above that Joy is always followed by thanksgiving. How thankful are you to God every day? A good sign that we have on the Crown of Joy is the habit of giving thanks in all things to God.

Isaiah 12:3(TLV); With joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Psalm 100:4(TLV); Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Praise Him, bless His Name.
1 Thessalonians 5:18(TLV); in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Messiah Yeshua.

I am continually fascinated by little children who always find a way to be joyful in every situation. You could even see a child get hurt and still start laughing a few minutes later.

Crying is okay, but are you letting sorrow replace your joy?

Why don’t we be like these little ones today, and take the step today into appreciating every moment and being hopeful for the future?

We’ll explore this more next time as I wouldn’t want to overwhelm you with too much information. But, be on the lookout for the next part, let’s go in deeper!

Shalom and have a blessed day.


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Remain blessed, warriors!

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