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The Rising Army

Christianity, Life, War, Truth...

Help! I'm running on empty

Greetings, Soldier! Have you ever found yourself in a place of complete drainage? Where one day you were so spirit-filled, and the next, you’re wondering where God went? You suddenly went from a 10.5 to a two, and all of a sudden, you start thinking of all your problems and all the things you haven’t yet accomplished? Haggai 1:4-11 Yeah? I know how it feels. That moment of wondering, where you begin to wonder, “Have I done anything wrong? So, you begin repenting and trying to cover even the things you don’t remember doing, just to feel His presence again. You try it all but the worst thing is you notice, “I don’t feel like praying anymore!

This of course brings up the next question, “Are demons causing this?”. What follows after is perhaps a series of renouncing and casting and binding in the name of Jesus. Even in all these, you still feel EMPTY.


If you’re like me and have experienced this, maybe after casting out demons or praying over someone, then you’ve come to the point where you’re ‘RUNNING ON EMPTY’.

So, you’re probably thinking right now, “Oh no! What do I do? Don’t panic, Soldier! Help is here. I remember on a particular day when these feelings seemed to attack again, I was desperate. While I kept struggling to press in and pray, so I could just feel God again, I just got a reminder of a sermon I had heard earlier that day about how we are not led by feelings but through faith in Christ Jesus, believing that He’s always with us and that we can always enter boldly through the Blood.

So, with that, I was strengthened. I kept repeating it. ‘I don’t have to feel You. I know You’re with me always, even now.” Having this mindset, it became easier to press in. I still didn’t feel Him, but I could ‘feel’ Him.

You know, when you’re done delivering someone by the awesome power of God, you would think you would come out feeling full of life and power, but it was quite the opposite for me.

I came out feeling drained and exerted. I didn’t feel energy or power surging through me, instead, I felt weak, disconnected, and empty. I say ‘felt’ because it wasn’t how I was in the spirit; it was merely my emotions and flesh kicking in. The worse thing that worried me was the fact I had to engage in prayer with a group of lovely brethren in just a few minutes which I, by God’s grace am privileged to lead.

However, I kept trying to press in, till it got to the point where I decided to just stay silent and ‘soak?’ I had heard the phrase a lot of times from some amazing ministers and I decided to try it out, (not that I hadn’t tried it out before but it’s not really part of my routine to stay silent, lest I sleep off😅).

In that silence, (occupied by probably some brief praying in tongues and worshipping), asking Him, ‘Why am I feeling so empty and drained? I just heard Him say to me, “You feel drained because you poured into others.” Jesus scripture

{Sometimes, a little bit of silence is the answer. Not merely external silence, but more so internal.} That just made my lightbulb go on... I’m talking about the ‘Bulb of Realization’, not the one of 'ideas'. And I’m like, “Oh! I should’ve known that.” But I didn’t. The Holy Spirit did.

{There are a lot of things He knows that we don’t. Doesn’t that just amaze you?}

He began to remind me of when Jesus used to minister to others, He would always go back to the secret place to draw from God because guess what? We need to constantly draw from God. Not only when we minister to others but always.

Mark 6:46; After everyone had gone, He slipped away to pray on a mountain overlooking the sea. (also; Matt 14:22-23)

However, it remains a privilege to come to the realization that when we pray for others or cast out their demons or just minister to them in any way that involves demonstrating the awesome power of God, we are not taking in power at this point, but we are pouring out what we’ve received into others. That’s why in the story of the woman with the issue of blood after she touched the hem of Jesus’ cloth, He felt power leave Him. ~Mark 5: 24-34

When God pours power into us, He doesn’t expect it to lie dormant there. He expects it to be poured into others. Because if we keep habouring the power, we’ll never need to draw from Him since we’ll always be full. Not to mention how selfish it is to horde any anointing God has put in you all to yourself.

The good thing is that we never run completely dry, there’s still some oil left but it needs to be refilled. ~Matthew 25:1-12 So, in that strength, I stopped beating myself up and gathered up the courage, because it was time to pray and I wasn’t going to let God down because I couldn’t seem to feel Him anymore. (That’s what the devil would want, but NOT TODAY, SATAN!)

I just told God, “Okay, Lord, whether I feel you or not, I’m going to go on and we’re going to pray.” So, we start praying, right? And I’m still not feeling Him but He starts moving and speaking and just having his way. Praise God!

So, whenever you’re in a season of spiritual emptiness, don’t think it’s a permanent thing or that it will even last long. Just remember that God is with you either way. Even when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden of Eden, God was still with them. When Cain was cursed to be a wanderer, God was still with Him. How much more you? ~Genesis 3

Don’t lean on your feelings but always lean on God. He is sufficient, and His silence doesn’t mean He’s left. He’s always with you because you are His child. We are led by faith and not by sight. So, shut the devil up by ignoring those feelings and leaning on God! Most of all, continually go into the presence of God and draw. Drink from His fountain of living water.

John 1:16; Through this man, we all receive gifts of grace beyond our imagination.
John 4:14; I offer water that will become a wellspring within you that gives life throughout eternity. You will never be thirsty again.
John 4:34; I receive My nourishment by serving the will of the Father who sent Me and completing His work.
John 6:27; Don’t spend your life chasing food that spoils and rots. Instead, seek the food that lasts into all the ages and comes from the Son of Man, the One on whom God the Father has placed His seal.

Shalom and have a blessed day.


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Remain blessed, warriors!

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